If you take a look at your monthly power bill, are you spending an inordinate amount during the hotter and colder months? While you can obviously expect costs to go up due to climate control, there are things you can do to keep that thermal energy inside your house where it belongs. One of the most effective ways to reduce your home’s R-value is a permanent application from a local spray foam insulation service provider. With so many companies on the market, it’s important that you pick an experienced contractor to get the job done right. We have more than a decade of experience at Rader’s Insulation, and we can help lower your bills during the summer and winter in the nearby areas New Orleans, LA, Alexandria, LA, Lake Charles, LA, Covington, LA.
While it’s possible to apply spray foam insulation in basements, the best place to use this product is on the upper floors of your building. As the sun beats down on your roof, the heat seeps into the attic and eventually penetrates the rest of the house, where it keeps the climate control running. A similar process happens during the winter as cold air flows downstairs and forces occupants to turn up the furnace. By arranging for installation of this product on the ceiling, beams and other surfaces, you’ll create a permanent barrier against the loss of thermal energy.
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